Takes Time

Praise God.

I’m heading into my second year as an MV, and I am really excited to see what the Lord has in store for me.

With that said, I learned something in the last few weeks. Everything takes time.
Okay…not new..so what?

So, aside from being an MV, I was humbly called to be a chapter head. Something I have totally overlooked and thought I could handle. BOY, did God ever so much humble me.

So here’s the beauty to it. To love takes time. Quality time and quality effort! You have to really be vulnerable to breaking out of your tradition and breaking into newer blessings and opportunities the Lord will put in front of you.

I can go on with scripture, and all this and that in big words etc etc…but the point is,

Keep loving. Even when you’re tired…give more.

Pray for me. I’m trying to get used to breaking into the newer blessings of my chapter. I’ll pray for you! Heck, gimme a shout if you are reading this and want to even chill.

(Sorry for the long wait of a post, I just needed to affirm myself in prayer more)

Deo Gloria


2 thoughts on “Takes Time”

  1. “Love, in order to be genuine, must have a cost.” – Blessed Mother Teresa

    Praise God for such a simple and humble take on the blessings of our community and the greater Love behind it all! God bless! Praying for you! 🙂

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