5/52: Superbowl Sunday

Happy Feast of the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple!  Happy World Day for Consecrated Life!  Happy Superbowl Sunday! =)

The Superbowl is a great gathering of athletes and fans!  A culmination of a season’s worth of practices, wins and losses and hard work.  It’s the main event!  And even though this rings true today to some degree, a lot has also changed.  (Insert commercials)  Commercials really have nothing to do with the Superbowl, they play no role in whether or not ‘our’ team wins or looses, yet somehow they’ve become an integral part of the Superbowl.  So much so that companies are willing to spend an x-amount of money for a mere 30second window of your time.  30 seconds of your time that was drawn away from the main event.  And though I wish each commercial was rated G and promoted good values, those components don’t make clips go viral, nor do they sell the products they so cleverly convince you to want and long for.  These commercials lure our attention away from the main event.

Replace the Superbowl with Jesus Christ; the MAIN event if I ever knew one!  Now, think of all the ‘commercials’ in our lives that take our attention away from Him.  Think of all the things we’ve bought into and were consumed by when we should’ve been watching the plays on the field or practicing our passing routes to get through a tough defence.

We’re probably never going to get rid of the commercials at the Superbowl, nor are the ‘commercials’ in our lives ever planning to go away, but it’s not about them… it never was.  It’s about the MAIN EVENT, it’s about Christ, it’s about focussing on Him, it’s about watching Him follow through on each and every play….

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Hiii! My name is Evony! I am a Missionary for CFC GMFI serving the youth in Canada. I am shamelessly passionate about life and have an affinity for sheep, clouds, Nuns, sports & scrapbooking. If you want some insight into my psyche, please refer to: Romans 12:12, Matthew 7:7, Mark 14:3-9, Luke 2:19 & 1Corinthians 13...=)