Lining Things Up

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.-Proverbs 3:5-6

I’m going to do the best I can to keep this simple in relation to things I’ve been experiencing/reflecting on.

We’ve been taught or shown how to do things. How to really make sure what we are doing is in the way Christ would want us to do things. Over all, we are called to love.

Whooptie do, tell us something we don’t know…

We can line things up, follow protocol, do this and do that to insure that what we are expecting could happen…but in the end…It’s God’s plans. Even though you may work days, months, or even years trying to “line things up” the right way, it might just not be in God’s will for you to expect what you are expecting to get out of it…

Point is this. That’s why its so important to keep a consistent prayer life..and a consistent life to love…

So that’s two different things…love…lining things up…so what?

Things may not go as planned. But in the end, Christ still has that very same calling for us to continue to love. Love Him, love others…

Love is not based on our understanding…it’s based on acceptance.

We will never understand why God lets things happen the way it happens. But the moment we learn to just accept it, we are living a life of true love and faith to our God.

As hard as it is, lets accept God’s plans whether at first we find it to be a victory or a cross…

So the equation is… God is love. We are called to love. To love we must accept. Accept God in His decisions for your life.

Pray for me. Like any human being, any member of this community, I’m struggling with accepting things/people that I’ve been trying to love for years. I’ve lined things up, in hopes of begging God for this and that to happen. But in the end, its God’s plans. If this is what He wants, then I will love through acceptance.

Again, Pray for me. I’ll be praying for you.

Lord, may I search deeper in hopes of finding you more and more each day. I don’t understand, but that’s okay. I’m trying to accept what it is you want for me right now. I need You more than ever. Amen.

Deo Gloria.