Upward Spiral

Two years ago when I started FTPW, I couldn’t imagine the year ahead. I had a feeling it would be an adventure filled with relationships and mystery. When that year ended, I was astounded with the journey the Lord took me on. I felt like I experienced more than the average person would in a lifetime. I couldn’t even fathom how the Lord could top it, but He did the following year. I was reminded that when it comes to journeying with God, there will always be mystery, but in that mystery there is unending beauty and love. This journey has been for me, an upward spiral and ups and downs but drawing nearer to God.

I’m very excited for this year in terms of the mission and my relationship with the Lord. He has been faithful in the last two years and never ceased to amaze me. The Lord reminds me though, that this journey in the community is but the fruit of my journey in the Church. Just as our community has seasons, we follow the seasons of the Church. No wonder why the journey is so fruitful in the community—it’s because of the fruitfulness we share as His church, growing ever more as a living organism saturated with His graces.

We had just journeyed in Advent, then Christmas, and soon, we will enter ordinary time. I think ordinary time is a time to experience what real love is, that it is in the ordinary, non extravagant things, like a steady stream of water. It’s in our ordinary days and ordinary acts. It is God Who makes things great and extraordinary.

Heavenly Father, I praise You! May this year in mission and in the Church bring me closer to You. Give me eyes of faith and help me to see You in everyone and in every circumstance. I look forward to another year of adventure with You. Amen!