Blessed Blindness

I was reflecting on the gospel today in Matthew 9:27-31. The Lord healed 2 blind men and told them not to tell anyone about it. Before the healing happened, Jesus asked them first if they believe that He can do it for them.

The Lord is telling me that I have to acknowledge any blindness within me, it may be physically, mentally, spiritually, socially, or in whatever aspect of my life. As I acknowledge it, I go to the best person who can heal me and I should believe that Jesus will heal me. I was asking myself, why I have to tell Him what I need when He knows that he can heal me, then this would be similar to going to a doctor and without me saying anything, the doctor will just give me prescription. I think I will not like that. That’s why it makes sense lifting up our concerns and dreams to the Lord.

The presence of my blindness is a reminder that Jesus is there waiting for me so I will be healed.



“Oh Lord, the greatest doctor and healer of all. Thank you Lord for your constant healing. In my blindness may I not stop looking for you!”



Philippians 1:29