Letting Go

When serving God, it’s not about the position or authority but it’s about simply serving God.  Sometimes it’s not healthy to hold on to a responsibility to a point that it’s your comfort zone.  Being the Family Ministries Head for Calgary for 7 years now has led me to that comfort zone.  Now the time has come for me to pass on the responsibility and explore new horizons in service.

One of my inspirations in this is my former leader, Tito Rosco Doromal.  He was my Area Head when I was Family Ministries Head but last year, I became his household head.  It was such a difficult thing for me to adjust to; he was the team leader when we took our Christian Life Program back in 1999.  He was one of my first household leaders; I’ve always served under him.  But rather than trying to prove that he knew more about the community than me, he honored my anointing as his leader, allowing me to lead our household but more so giving the support I needed.  That’s humility in the mold of Christ, who, though God humbled Himself, taking the form of a lowly servant.

One day, I will be serving under the very youth that we have served or are serving, that’s the most exciting thing I look forward to.  What an amazing community, CFC will be.

Psalm 100:5

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.