Our God Is Love

I often get headaches from reading while I commute to work, so to side-step this dilemma I have started listening to podcasts daily. The one I listen to most often speaks about the topics of science, philosophy and the human experience. Although not bound or based in the Catholic faith, I try to tie each story back to my Christian belief.

An interesting story I heard about was that of Stu Rasmussen. Stu Rasmussen, of Silverton Oregon, is an avid metalworker, woodworker, and electrician – and in 2008 he became the United States’ first transgendered mayor. In this case, although Stu is married to a woman, he dresses like a woman.

Silverton is a small town in the United States and one day a group went into Silverton and began marching up and down the streets to protest and show how offensive they found Stu. “The mayor is disgusting.” And they were holding signs that said, “God hates Silverton,” “God hates your mayor,” etc.

Shortly after this protest began, folks from the town stood in counter-protest wearing clothing of the opposite sex. The group initially started with 3 men in dresses, and then eventually the crowd grew to 200. The people interviewed voiced that there were many unexpected faces that joined in; unexpected due to their conservative views. They stood there holding signs saying, “God loves Silverton,” and, “God loves Stu.”

It’s amazing how many townspeople were willing to drop their own personal beliefs of how a man/woman “should be” just for that momentary instance of defending the right of someone they love and respect.

There are several issues of today that we as Catholics need to defend and take a personal stand for… however, in this driving attempt, we must never forget our first and most important calling: To Love. God is love, and if we carry Him in our hearts, we too must emanate love to others. Rather than fighting back with anger or hate, the townspeople of Silverton showed that all are loved within the eyes of Our Father. In our attempts to “be and bring God wherever we are” may we judge less so we are able to love more.

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1John 4:8