This is what it is all about


This is Dhanyqa, Grace, Lica, Janine, Dana, and Tita Karla :) Household Love
                                       This is Dhanyqa, Grace, Lica, Janine, Dana, and Tita Karla 🙂 


A couple of weeks ago, I was blessed to be invited to attend one of the sisters’ household in the East Chapter here in our lovely Area of Montréal 🙂
As I made my way to household, it felt so refreshing and simply, I was moved.
I was moved as I took every step to household.
In my head I thought, “the other sisters are also on their way…these sisters are letting God take care of their lives and lead their lives… He is leading our lives. I’m so excited!!!” 🙂
That Friday evening, we had a date with God 🙂

As we prayed the Rosary together to start the household, I started to be a little teary, I held my tears, took a deep breath, and my heart felt joy, a simple joy yet felt so true.
I felt love in the presence of my sisters…I felt HIS LOVE.
This is what it is all about.

As our date with our God continued, we shared some great laughs, some tears, good food (of course :P), personal stories, reflections, God’s victories in our lives, His love, our journey.
We shared 🙂
This is what it is all about.

Then it was my turn to share. I cried. I was humbled. What I had were tears of joy because I was simply moved by the sharings of my sisters in Christ. Through our community, we have been helped multiple times and transformed each time. Through this community, we have been led to be closer to Him. But ultimately, it is truly our Lord God who wonderfully transforms us. These wonderful sisters have reminded me of what our community is all about.
A community of God’s people. A community of love. A community of God.
This is what it is all about.

The sharings of these truly wonderful sisters have greatly moved me. Their sharings about their lives being transformed, their very being being moved by the Lord, the joy that they feel and the hope that they enthuse…they have truly inspired me.
It reminded me of the simple calling of our community, to love.
In our ministry, Being and bringing Christ where ever we are,
and they brought Christ to the household.
They bring Christ in their schools, to their families, to their friends, to their homes, everywhere. They reminded me of the greatness of the Lord and His wonderful mercy.
This is what it is all about.

To Dhanyqa, Grace, Lica, Janine, Dana and Tita Karla. Thank you so much for allowing to be part of your household. Thank you for the food, the smiles, the laughs, the sharings, the prayers, the hugs, the sisterhood, the love. Thank you for sharing your stories and God’s love. My beautiful sisters, you continue to inspire me. I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful household. I love you so much and I continue to pray for each and everyone of you.
Keep smiling 🙂

May our Great and Awesome Father continue to bless each and everyone of us.
Have a wonderful day brothers and sisters 🙂

Peace and Love,