Man of God

13 days until I get to go back to my first home after 3 years, and it’s definitely taking a toll on my entire family, especially for me. From packing, setting up a more firm itinerary for me to be able to see both sides of my family, to buying ‘pasalubong’ for everyone, I can’t help but be reminded of my Grandfather aka my Lolo. It’s been 3 years since he passed away, but I guess since my siblings and I basically grew up in his and my Lola’s care it’s normal to have him to be constantly alive in my heart even though the last time I saw him was 8 years ago. The other day I found myself looking at buttoned up shirts, which he always wore and I pointed it out to my mom, and said that it’d be great on Lolo. Then it hit me, I miss him now more than ever. Although I’ll be able to see my Lola when I get back, it wont be the same because of her severe dementia.

Ever seen The Notebook? Well, think of my Lolo as Noah and my Lola as Allie. My Lola’s dementia became so severe from the time that my family migrated, to the point where there would be times when she wouldn’t know who my Lolo is, or that they’re already married even though they were married for 49 years. I can’t imagine having to constantly love someone who can barely even remember you, yet my Lolo did it for 6 years straight.

A man of patience, love and understanding. The one who lived not to earn as much money that he could obtain, but to teach his children that the love of God is more than enough in order to live a happy life. He loved God so much, that he inspired my dad to discern religious life. The one who taught his grand children how to live simply in order to see more of God in anything and anyone that’s around them. A true man of God.

As much as I’m happy to know that my dad discerned for religious life, I’m extremely thankful know that God’s path led my father to married life. At least I know that my Lolo’s teachings will continue to be taught for generations and generations to come. I can only pray that I may also live a life that’s even remotely close to how he saw it. To become a true woman of God.