Jesse, I Am

My name is Jesse, which in hebrew means “God Exists”. This is actually appropriate since I’ve grown in my faith to be a very skeptical individual. This is not to say that I questions the existence of God, in fact I’m confident in how the Lord has blessed me with a firm, intellectual understanding of Him, but rather I’m skeptical in the truth that is presented to me since as humans we’re limited by perception.

A fellow MV, Théa Lape reminded me a few weeks ago that sometimes God reveals himself very literally in our lives. At times this direct approach has me second guessing whether or not it is a message from the Lord, or whether or not it’s my psyche assigning meaning to an otherwise meaningless event or occurrence in my life. This has caused me to overlook many straightforward revelations from the Lord over the course of my 26 years in existence.

Lesson learned. When the Lord speaks, listen.

I think that it’s normal to seek meaning in how the Lord unveils Himself to us, and I think a healthy level of skepticism is what allows us to find intention in acts of God.

My name is Jesse.
What will be my David?

As the MV program continues, I’m forced to re-evaluate the state and purity of my desires. Desires to go full-time, desires to have a family, desires to lead a life for the Lord. If I take literally what the Lord has exposed me to over the past 7 months as an MV, then I know that His intention for me will be made known.

My name is Jesse, and I’m confident that the Lord will place my David in community, whether that be figurative or literal.

Jesse R.
I Am, and We are Missionaries”