“Is the cup half full? Or half empty?”

Often times, we hear analogies of cups being filled, half full, half empty. And often times, we question, what are we filling our cups with?

Recently, I have realized that the change of one word can make such a big difference. I have always asked myself, “How full is my cup?” And “What am I filling my cup with?” I’m sure that many others have questioned this over a dozen times as well. Honestly, I’ve spent a dozen times more than the times I’ve questioned this, THINKING about all the possible answers. But then God revealed something precious to me…

A cup can be filled with almost anything! Juice, water, soda, snacks, wrappers and other waste. And if I continue to look for an answer about what I can fill my cup with, then I could spend years and years thinking about what I have put inside, and what else can be put inside. Honestly, I’d create my own dillema each and every day. But then I heard Him say, “WHO are you?” And in that question, I realized the simple answer behind the infamous question.

I am a child of God, and as His child, I am seen as treasure… finest gold… 

And this revelation isn’t just for me. Each and every one of us is TREASURE in the Lord’s eyes. Everyone is finest gold to our Father. So comparing myself to a cup that can be filled with everything and anything from food to waste, I must stop, but rather look at myself as a chalice. Why? Because a chalice is only filled with water and wine. The BODY and BLOOD of our Lord, Jesus Christ. If I stop looking at myself as a cup, and look at myself as a chalice, made of finest gold and God’s finest treasure, I will appreciate myself even more, and strive to fill myself with wine (representing God and the blood of His Son, Jesus, as the grandest sacrifice of love) and water (a symbol of life, and renewal).

God has never thought about filling me with waste. He never wanted that. I am a child of God, and whether my chalice (“cup”) is half empty, or half full, I will never be seen as any less important in my Father’s eyes if I fill myself with His endless and sacrificial love, and find renewal through the Sacraments, and life.