
In my journey, I have come across two states of emptiness:

  • The first kind of emptiness is one that is fruitless. You experience a “desert” state. One that feels lonely, dull, and ultimately self-centered. This is a state that does not acknowledge the presence of God.
  • The second kind of emptiness is one that is fruitful. An emptying of self –not self-centered, not lonely, not desert-like. One that rejoices in this empty state as an act of self-giving to the ever-present God.

I have come to experience both several times, and what I have found the toughest is to go from the first state of emptiness, a self-centered state, where I am unmoving, to the second state –the state of self-giving, and abandoning myself to God.

What I found in the middle of the two, the bridge that moves me from one to the other, is the realization of mercy. God’s love and mercy are very present, and very real. When we forget one –generally we forget the other also. It is this realization of love and mercy that is so powerful, and yet always attacked. Two of the greatest lies from the evil one are about God not loving us, and God not forgiving us –ultimately two of the Greatest Truths.

This Truth was made flesh through Jesus Christ. When you have trouble going from one state to the other, let us remember our Merciful Redeemer! Empty yourselves before Him, and surely you will be filled by the graces that we could have only attained through Him. In this kind of emptiness, we will grow.