Stand out, Bodega

Depanneurs, corner stores, bodegas, you’ll find them abundantly scattered in large cities. What’s noteworthy is that although these shops are self-contained and so insignificant in the larger scope of things, they remain united in their desperate cry for attention and relevance.

I’m the type of person who likes to fly under the radar, I like to be overlooked. So it’s no surprise that I love going to New York City, where I become as insignificant as a spec of dust. I was in NYC about a week ago, and in my travels I witnessed so many individuals who were craving attention, but ultimately what are they crying out for?

I find comfort knowing that even in crowded spaces, I can still manage to experience isolated moments of God’s grace. I’ve compiled select photos I managed to take while in NYC to reflect our constant desire to have God to find us where we are.



Stand out, once more unto the breach.


Jesse R.
“I Am, and We are Missionaries”