
Every morning, every new day in the Mission feels as unpredictable as the next. Never knowing where exactly you’ll be  (travelling to and from places), who you will see.  Time never feels my own (and it isn’t), and waking up to the Unknown is daunting.

I’ve come to realize that the grace to say “Yes” to my Calling every day will come from the Heart. My response to the Lord may start as a mind exercise, but in the end (hopefully!) it ultimately triggers that “part” of me that pulsates of love for the Lord.

  • Prayer is a surge of the heart. (St-Therese Lisieux)
  • “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Mt 22:27)

Singled minded for God, single “hearted” for God.  A Resolution must be paired with Relationship.   If we are full of anything but Love of the Lord, than serving, or saying “yes”, will be difficult. It’s not about What we will encounter that should shake us with fear, but Who we will encounter that will make feel “kiligs”…for He is Love Himself.  Love is the strength to overcome fears.


Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!