At the Cross

Within the last week, I was able to reflect on the importance of the journey I take with my cross… About how the sufferings that come with carrying my own cross will (somewhere along the way) bring blessings, not only to myself but also to others. And of course, as the days passed, I was tested even more in this reflection.. My cross… in many different ways… became heavier and heavier. But as the days continued, I found myself coming to another realization… What good is the journey… What would it be to me if I carried my cross all this way, only to stop at the crucifixion? 

To boldly say, “Yes Lord, I will carry my cross,” should be an automatic yes to the latter… “Yes Lord, I will be crucified. For Your sake Lord, I will be crucified.” In my family, in all my relationships, in the CFC Youth community, as well as in my journey as an MV, I cannot deny that there were times wanted to give up. In fact, I think I have never been so tested to give up so much in the past 2 years. There were so many times that when things were going well, something else in my life would be up for question and I was only mere inches from trying to take back my yes. But that is not accepting my cross. To carry the burden of my cross solely for the Lord will bring blessings, but it is in the crucifixion that my burden becomes a miracle.

It is in completely binding myself to the cross that the suffering truly becomes love. Blessed Mother Teresa once said, “Love, in order to be genuine, has to have a cost.” My cross… my crucifixion… no matter how much it hurts sometimes, I will always say YES to the Lord, wherever HE calls me because it is out of love that I am willing to suffer for Him. It is out of such a deep love I have for the Lord that I am willing to set my pains and all my gains at the cross for Him. And WHY? Because it is simply at the cross that He suffered for me… it is at the cross that He gave it all for me… at the cross, He saved me…

2 thoughts on “At the Cross”

  1. “I thank my God for you every time I think of you;
    and every time I pray for you all, I pray with joy
    because of the way in which you have helped me in the work of the gospel
    from the very first day until now.
    And so I am sure that God, who began this good work in you,
    will carry it on until it is finished on the Day of Christ Jesus.”
    – Philippians 1:3-6

    Only thing that came to mind after reading something as humble and selfless as this. Praise God for you Erin! You are a true blessing to whatever area or program the Lord places you in. Your wisdom sheds so much light on the Lord’s transformative love.

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