My family is my mission too

Last night, I had a great conversation with my son, Geve, as I was driving him to his soccer practice.  We talked about my dad, my grandparents and great grandparents, his plans for the future and his soccer team.  Not really deep topics but was really touched me was the connection I felt with him.  It was only a 15 minute conversation but it really made an impact on my life.  Most of our time is devoted to service, we serve God through others, but I realized that our family is our service as well.  As much as I talk about taking care of our members and having one on ones on them, when was the last time I had a one on one with my sons and my wife?

I will never get tired of being a kid with them, I will continue to play video games with them (and get clobbered and not liking it because I’m so competitive), I will continue to play basketball with them and wrestle with them.  That’s what God calls me to do, to be a steward of my children but also to be a friend to them.

Last night ended with the kids asleep and me and wife snuggled together on a sleeping bag in our living room watching the Food Network until midnight-priceless.

Lord, thank you for the wonderful gift of family and reminding me why you have called me to be a father and husband!

P.S. It’s my son Geve’s 17th birthday today, what a blessing, please say a prayer for him!!!!