He must increase, but I must decrease.

John 3:30

30 He must increase, but I must decrease.

Long before I got involved in CFC, I have always wondered what drives people in community to sacrifice their time, talent and treasure without seeking recognition or compensation. The long hours, travelling distances and the difficult work doesn’t make sense in the secular world especially when no reward is received.

Expecting non-professionals to run conferences of 500-1000 people over 3 days can be viewed as a recipe for failure.  The phrase “as the Spirit leads” is not a concrete assurance of success to one who does not walk in the steps of Christ.

In the end, we who serve do all these things so that the name of One who gave Himself for us can be exalted.  The sleepness nights, long hours, the physical toll on our bodies, the self-sacrifice all becomes worth it so that He can increase by our decreasing.

At the end of the day, the physical tiredness is overcome by the spark of energy from the spiritual high that we experience from the events that allow us to experience Christ Himself.

Tito Gee