The Same Spirit

It’s just been over a week but I still can’t get over how blessed I was to witness and experience both the East and West True North Conferences.  I have so much to say so I won’t really structure this but I’ll allow my heart to speak.

The youth is so full of faith- I still thank the Lord for allowing me to be a witness to this, not only in how powerful they worship and pray but in how they translate this in their daily lives.  The host families here in Calgary recounted how blessed they were to have hosted the youth, expecting a rowdy and unruly bunch, but instead pulled into their faith even more as they saw a prayerful group of young people who would pray at every moment and spend time with the Eucharist every day.

Connecting in a personal way – more than being on stage and being highly visible, I cherished the personal moments where I was able to sit down and chat with young people, listen to what’s happening in their lives.  I cherished the times where I was able to join the screening of sharers and listen to the youth share from their hearts.  I was heartbroken, brought to tears by their experiences  but inspired and lifted by their water to wine stories, God was truly amazing.

A lot of people ask me which as the better conference, the East and the West, each had their own better moments and aspects but I can truly say that both had the same powerful Spirit, that the Lord truly showed Himself to both regions in the same way.

It may still be a year away, but I’m now excited and so looking forward to next year’s TNC in Vancouver.