Stand Firm.

You know how back in High School, when we would have a substitute teacher, we would say, “Oh yes! Today is going to be a easy class. It’s gonna be chill, laid back, and we wont have to do much work. Besides, we probably wont see this teacher again.”

Or when we go to confession and we say, “oh man, I hope I do not get the priest who strict and uptight. I want a more chill and laid back priest who cracks a lot of jokes.” Not to say anything is wrong with this but this week I realized through these people that happen to be “strict” or “uptight”, they are actually striving to stand firm in what they believe in.

We are currently living in a society where our faith gets easily COMPROMISED. Our faith gets distracted and tested by the evil one. On our path to Holiness from bad to better or good to better, it is tough to stand firm in our beliefs and focus on Christ.

Yes, it is not an objection that being chill is a “BAD” thing but we need to STAND FIRM. We need to be steadfast in Christ, our prayer time, serving others with love, being role models and exemplify what it means to be a Christian.

It is so easy to be laid back and let the evil one try to take control.

Let’s swim against the current. Lets be on guard and lets tell evil right in the face, that we trust God and stand firm in HIm.

Lord, praise You for giving me the opportunity to be strong in You. Continue helping me stand firm in faith and focus on you in this world. In the name of Jesus and through the intercession of Mother Mary, we give glory to You.

Deo Gloria.