To our beloved “CFC Centre/Office”, we love you…

It goes by many names…The local brick building owned by CFC:  “CFC Office” in Canada, “CFC Centre” in the Philippines.  It may go unnoticed to the membership, but reporting to this CFC building…is a special reality of every Missionary.

I remember travelling, rain, shine, or ultimate shine, a 40min or so Jeepney/Tricycle ride daily during immersion in Isabela last year. There were days where we had actual work to do, other days where YFCs would randomly appear, and, pulling out the plastic chairs stashed in the corner, we’d “bum around” in the small, but homey space.

In Manila, the “Centre”, was the building where the Mission was buzzing.  Four floors of bustling employees, our very own Family Min floor (with a gazillion of FTPWs) and Ablaze store, co-op stores attached…”Centre” was really a good qualifier for it.  Worship and recitation of the CFC Mission and Vision every morning, Mass at noon, automated 3PM Divine Mercy that would blare through the speakers wherever you are.  It’s a different kinda of “Office”…one where you can really feed off and be reinvigorated by the Spirit in its workers, the work itself and the Mission.

The CFC Office in GTA is smaller, less “bustly” and more business.  On some days, it gets dreary…the same 6-7 people, your own, but lonely, desk, the monotonous sound of the copier and 2PM radio mix .   But I dream of day that this building is no longer seen as an “Office”, but a “Centre” where many workers will be reporting in and out as they work to-and-from the Mission; a hub where God’s glory proclaim in the great work done by workers ablaze.

Lord, increase our Work, our Workers, and our zeal to serve You! 


Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!