Quiet time

Luke 5:16

16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

Conference week, anxious, worried, excited.  A thousand things running through my head, the chronic worrier in me trying to think of all loose ends.  It astounds me how a conference of 600 people can be run by only 3 fulltime workers and a lot of other “all the time” workers who have day jobs.  Too many things that still need to be done.  But Jesus showed us the way to handle all these “busy”situations.  It didn’t matter that He was God, He took time to be by Himself and with the Father.

No matter what all the fancy preparations and equipment, it will be the message of the Lord through the talks and sharings that will strike the hearts of the almost 600 coming this weekend.

May I find the “lonely places” this week, where I can just be truly with the Lord, and that’s all that matters.