The greatest of these is Love.. but also the hardest.. yet possible..

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor 13:13)

easy said than done. agree? disagree? po hehe

there are many times or moments in our day to day life when we are challenged to love above all
and in most situations or scenarios.. loving is the hardest thing to do..
For example with a co-workers, with friends and even family..
though we share the same blood.. our personalities are so different and sometimes clashes occur, right po? hehe
that’s why I admire people who are patient, compassionate, open and above all loving in such high tension situations or with complicated people..

Like how Jesus did.. well He is God so anything is possible po hehe 😛
but like the apostles (I think)..or the saints..
their actions and beliefs were outside the “norm” of society..
and not only was society butting heads with them..
but most of the time.. their families challenged them and their faith too..
..but no matter what above all.. they loved.
that’s mind blasting yo po haha

it’s so hard too.. but it is possible..
man.. truly if the Lord is with you..anything is possible..
Lord was their source of Love..right?
if the Lord is Love..
it was the Lord to begin with..
wahhhhh hahaha

I don’t know if I’m making sense here po hehe..
but this journey of life and constant discernment has guided me to discover and learn one thing.. Love.
it’s hard but it is possible.
and it’s also exciting to know that learning about Love is endless..
the sub topics that follow it is infinite..
maybe that’s one thing I’m excited for about fulltime or whatever lies ahead..
and that is.. Love will exist and is waiting to be discovered and shared 🙂 po hehe
wahhhhhhhhh kiligs to the bone po hehe #kilighunters #LordgivesmeKiligs

Lord, you are the source of Love and the definition of Love.
Show and Guide us how to Love above all