
When you lose your way, the best thing to do is recount your steps and try to figure out where you got lost. When you figure out where you lost your way, next is to redirect yourself. 

The funny thing is, when you lose your way, you forget that you had a companion all along. Somebody who knows where they’re going, who walks alongside with you, knowing you’re losing yourself but continues walking with you, out of love –deep love for you, patiently waiting until you are ready to let go of your gaze on your map, turn your eyes to them and say “I’m lost.”

I have never left you.

I lost my way. I forgot where I was going. I enjoyed too many rest points and slowed my pace. I foolishly mapped my own way thinking that I’d make it. I was lost, going in circles, refusing to ask for direction. I relied on my own strength, my own stamina, my own power… thinking that one day, I’d have it figured out.

You need to learn to live in my grace, and not rely on your strength.

When you stop, examine where you are and take those steps back, as much as it seems like you are going backwards, you are actually moving forward. Our greatest companion, Jesus Christ, is there to take the lead when we finally let Him. Like a true gentleman, He doesn’t reprimand us for our foolishness, but holds our hand. 

I was foolish enough to think that I knew the way, when the way was right next to me. I focused too much on other things, clouding my vision. My head was so full of matters of the future, that I lost sight of the present, the now, the One beside me.

Losing your way is hard, but it is in the going back, where you remember the reason for the journey in the first place, that is the real grace.

Jesus, my greatest companion, You have never left me. You journey with me so that I am never alone. You are the way, the truth and the life. Let me live by your way, know your truth and walk in the light of your life. Let me never lose my way to you, but rather lose myself in you. Amen.