I am not the Main

I think it’s generally accepted that we are the main characters in the narrative that is our life.

But what if we’re not?

As a Mission Volunteer for CFC-Youth Canada, the big questions is whether or not I’ll end up applying for full-time pastoral work.

In my ongoing discernment I find myself constantly thinking about what I would have to willingly sacrifice in order for me to fully commit to the mission.

I selfishly think, “How will mission work change MY life?”

I think true dedication to the mission requires a shift in perspective.

God is the main.

I personally think that this is the key to living out a life for Christ without living in constant fear of whether or not everything will be ok. It opens the door to true joy, in that we have complete trust and faith that our God will provide.

God is the main.
He will lead us through a beautiful narrative.

– Jesse R.
“I Am, and We are Missionaries”