Reflection: July 26

“The Lord broke through the heat to shower us with His Grace”

Last weekend was Eastern Canada’s True North Conference and it was an awesome weekend po 🙂 One of the most memorable events of the weekend was the storm (big one) that happened on the first day.

I remember Friday started out as a beautiful day.. sunny (but extremely hot). I remember running around preparing and occasionally comment on how hot it was (but Praise the Lord that the sun was shining po hehe)

All that sun-ful goodness faded.. as a storm brewed and erupted when mass started. During mass we could hear the thunder and rain beating at the venue.. we even lost power on occasion.. scary moments..
but the Lord kept His mantle of protection over us #PG

After mass we had to go back to the residence for dinner and behold the Greatness of the Lord.. the storm stopped and the sun came out.. it was as if the storm did not happen.
However, on the walk back to the residence.. we saw the after math of the storm. For example: trees that were pulled from their roots, broken branches, branches that were struck by lightening etc.

Though it was a storm (something scary, you know?).. it was a way for the Lord to bless us with His grace..
He will break through the heat and distraction.. and show us His power and love for us..
I don’t know if I’m going to make sense here but.. He knew how much the heat was distracting us (it was for me.. I believe I was complaining alot po hehe)
so He woke us up and reminded us to focus using the thunder then using rain He cooled down the temperature to ease the heat 🙂 PG!

It’s amazing how the Lord works.
That storm was just the beginning of the miracles and blessings that unfolded that weekend. From the sessions to the creatives to the comps and overall turnout of the conference.. the Lord has continuously affirmed His presence and power last weekend.
I would share more but it would be spoilers for the WTNC po hehe
I pray that WTNC will be as blessed and miracle filled too po 🙂

Thank you Lord for your infinite love and your never-failing reminders and wake up calls po.
Mother Mary and all the Saints teach me how to be more sensitive and obedient to the Lord’s will. Amen.