Adoremus in Aeternum

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Your mercy, Oh God, is so great.
You forgive, You forgave,
Your amazing love, it truly saves.
Your most Holy Name, Oh Lord, cleanses me from any stain.
My tainted soul, You made holy, my name You have claimed.
My glory and praise are Yours.
Forever I will proclaim Your name.
You shower me with Your love, I simply cannot contain.
My cup overflows, in Your presence I will stay.

You captivated me from the start.
You’re the only one who captures my heart.
I am Yours and You are mine.
You are my life’s source, Bread of Life. You are the Vine.
My Father, My God, You are truly DIVINE.
I will worship you forever.
For eternity I am Yours.
The Lover of my soul, my Redeemer, my Saviour, my all.

“My heart is restless until I rest in You”,
My heart is at peace whenever I hear you say, “My daughter, I love you”
Forever I will sing praises to you, my Messiah.
To be with You, my Father is my one and only desire.


Our Lord God is so good. So wonderful. So Faithful. So True.
Praise be to God forever.

“I love You my Heavenly Father” =D

My sisters and brothers, God bless our hearts and our lives always and forever =D

Peace and Love,