My Treasure

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:21

I was reminded that when we discern, it is important to really reflect on what our passions and desires are. More often than not, these are God-given and lead us to holiness. Sometimes these desires pass because we did not do our part to help it grow or because they were earthly, but other times they just never go away. These ones are the ones that point us to God, His love for us, and how we were created to respond to it.

I opened up to a brother about my discernment for FTPW and after sharing with me his thoughts, he told me that each of us are created with a unique thorn that pierces our hearts. This is not something to run away from, but to seek. This is where we can find where our treasure, where we can find our hearts, and where we can find the Lord. It makes a lot of sense because this piercing was designed to unite our suffering with the Christ and give us the conviction to never give up, just like Him.

The thing that pierces my heart are father wounds. These are wounds that have been inflicted by earthly fathers. I have been blessed by the Lord to witness people with those wounds and I can’t help but feel compassion for them. My heart aches. I feel that my God-given mission is to be the best father i can possibly be. To father my children as God fathers me. To love my children and God loves me. And I will never stop doing that.

Tying this into my discernment for FTPW, it affirms me of my belief in this community and its anointing. CFC is about building the Church of the home. I want to be part of that mission for the rest of my life.



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