With Gusto!

definition: Gusto with vigorous enjoyment (syn: ZEST), individual taste 

I often get jokingly made fun of for my “raw enthusiasm”. Expressing too much raw excitement, or too much, “all-out”, Joy.  I really don’t mind.  I truly believe that Joy opens us up to experience Miracles in the seemingly mundane things, repels emo thoughts, re-energizes, and re-affirms how creative our God is.  He is one for loving Surprises!

I recently came home from an un-scheduled, and sporadic visit to Montreal over long weekend. A baby shower/honouring session, three real talks with my mother and/or sister, and a buffet dinner with the family later, I am amazed about how the Lord is, and has continued working His own mission in my immediate and extended family  The challenges are different and very real, but so are their demeanours, which have visibly become are more joyful and hopeful. An tangible affirmation of the reality that, If you take care of the things He cares for, He will take care of the things you care for. 

Back into the busyness of my Mission Area, I am affirmed today by the notion that as I get busy, He is too. In fact, the Lord has already been up way earlier in the morning, so early that that specific hour doesn’t exist, (haa #Godabovetime), weaving, with eagerness, His own mysterious plans in my life. He’s got it in the palm of His hands. With that in mind, Lord, that I may do my mission today with the same gusto! 





Published by

Ellen Maigue-Talacca

FTPW reppin' the East Region, but livin' and lovin' the fullness of the mission in the True North. A ball of raw enthusiasm, apparently. Hello to you!