You are precious and always loved

This past Tuesday.. we had our sfc hh and we basically reflected on the gospel for that day (lectio po hehe)
The gospel we reflected on was Matthew 7:6, 12-14

It was a tough gospel to understand but thanks to the sisters int eh hh.. what I got from it is: We are precious and loved.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to re-iterate my thoughts through this blog so hopefully this makes sense po hehe

The lectio reminded me that each one of us is precious to Our Father. We shouldn’t think less of ourselves or doubt our self worth or doubt *period* (“We are pearls”)
It also reminds me of what we are all called to do.. to love others (“Golden rule”). Like us, others are equally precious and loved by Our Father; therefore, we must love (“because it is the law”)
The Gospel also reminded me of the struggles that one (we) will face trying live a life of loving because it’s out of the norm.. it’s a path that is narrow (“but it leads to life”)

hehe I don’t know if that made sense.. but everyone, you are precious and loved po.
We will be faced with challenges, struggles, doubts fires, hi-los, storms, silence, grey matter etc. especially in this journey where our direction is out of the norm of society/world..
but we should never forget and always hold on to the fact that we special, we are and will forever be loved.
..fighting! and God bless~