Being a Father

After Sunday mass yesterday, the priest reminded all Fathers (as well as Mothers) to continue to bring their families closer to Christ.  As parents, it’s not enough to bring ourselves closer to Christ, but we must be a light to our children as well.

Praise God for Couples for Christ.  During my “dark days” or my pre-CFC life, my spiritual life was limited to praying to God whenever I needed something.  Mass for me was a once a year thing (only on Christmas and New Year was optional), and I would drive my wife to church and pick her up after.  I would always try to make an excuse not to go to mass, sometimes, using my kids as an excuse.  I know what kind of father I would have become.  My misconception was that the father was the financial “breadwinner” of the family and anything else, including the spiritual, was left to the wife.

Praise God I have realized that fatherhood is much more than just bringing home the bacon.  The love that a father has for his children should encompass taking care of all their needs, including their faith.  My kids grew up in this community, for them, it’s the normal way of life, growing up knowing the Father who loves them so much.  They won’t have the dark days like I did, yes, they will have problems and obstacles but for them, these will be opportunities to glorify God.


Father, thanks so much for loving us unconditionally. Thank You, Lord, for giving me the wonderful gift of fatherhood, for allowing me a taste of the great love You have for each and every one of us.  Amen!!