Salt and Light

“Salt seasons and improves the flavour of food. Following Jesus, you have to change and improve the ‘taste’ of human history.’
—Pope John Paul II

Sometimes I’m afraid that if I don’t think I’ll make a big difference, then it won’t matter if I even try to make a difference. I am reminded by PJPII that I am the salt to the earth. It doesn’t matter if I’m not making a big difference, as long as I am making a difference, that’s what matters. That’s what salt does, and we are each a tiny grain making a difference in the world. Praise God.

“Even a tiny flame lifts the heavy lid of night. How much more light will you make, all together, if you bond as one in the communion of the Church! If you love Jesus, love the Church!”
—Pope John Paul II

With the immense rise of the culture of death in our society, the world might seem like a very dark place. However, we are the light of the world. Even the smallest flame can illuminate the heaviest darkness. Darkness immediately ceases when there is light. What I love about the Church and community life is the communion of many tiny flames that form an inferno. We truly bring light to the world because we bring Jesus to the world. Praise God.

Heavenly Father, help us to recognize that, by Your Holy Spirit, truly we are salt and light to the world. May we be and bring You wherever we go and set ablaze the darkness of the world with the fire of Your love. Amen!