Be Full

There are so many times when people can’t see God. I know I’m guilty of this – of feeling “spiritually dry”. Being surrounded by other Youth for Christ members who love God and live out their faith makes you feel inadequate sometimes. Listening to speakers speak of God’s love or singers sing of God’s grace – we feel like we have so little to give. And so we pull away, slowly, feeling like we’re unworthy to be spiritually full. And then, because we’ve pulled away, we feel even less full. We feel as though God has left us because we have tried to leave Him.

The silly thing is we are always full of God’s love. We are constantly overflowing with God’s grace and goodness. A puddle can look at a lake and feel dry, and that lake can look at the ocean and feel dry, but they are not dry. We can’t look to others to judge our relationship with God. We can’t look at others and decide that we are less worthy than them to worship our Saviour.

God surrounds us in everything we do. He is constantly overfilling us, and when we turn away that doesn’t mean He stops pouring. God is constant. He will never stop.

One thought on “Be Full”

  1. Have you come across one of the more obscure songs by Hillsongs? “More to see”. Your blog reminded me of it!

    “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new EVERY morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:23

    Every morning I can be re-charged, His mercies are indeed new everyday. We may pull away, but He sure never does!

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