Giving back to God

Mark 12:17

17 Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”

And they were amazed at him.

Our time, talent and treasure.  These are the things that truly belong to God.

Time?  Our family life revolves around the community.  Whenever we are asked to attend a personal gathering, we always check first if we have activities in the community.  We are called the “Habol” (“catch up” in Filipino) family because we would always say we would catch up to family and personal gatherings.  Our kids are very much involved in competitive soccer so scheduling is always a challenge.  But truly the Lord never fails, He is the great scheduler and everything falls into place like pieces of a puzzle.  In spite of our busy schedule, we do have time for the kids (family movie nights, dinner) and occasionally, I am able to sneak my wife out for a quick date (lunch at Subway or Tim Hortons, or a coffee at Starbucks).  But still, not all my time is devoted to the Lord, He deserves so much more.

Talent? I don’t really have a great talent.  I can sing a tune (and stay in tune) but I don’t really have the “American Idol” or “the Voice” talent.  But whatever limited talent I have, I give to Him.  My wife and I have been members of the Cluster Music Ministry for a number of years now.  It’s not an opportunity to perform for us but more of an opportunity to serve.  My wife loves to share what a priest once told her; that Jesus is tone deaf, there’s no verse in the Bible that says Jesus sang.  So God loves our singing (whether in tune or not) as long as we direct this to Him.

Treasure?  This is where I fail and struggle the most.  I do give tithes to the church and to the community.  I also have our child sponsorships (not really part of tithing) and donations to other religious organizations like Our Lady of Fatima Association (through the Heralds of the Gospel, God bless them).  But I know this is way way less than what God deserves.  God has never failed me and my family in all our needs.  Although we are only a one income family, He has allowed us to have a home, a van and allowed me to have a great job.  I do feel the call to fulltime missionary work but my biggest worry is how to provide for my family.  But hello, wake up, God always provides, He never fails!!

Father, thank You for all the blessings and the miracles You give us, both small and great, You are truly a loving God who gives to His children and more!  Teach me to give to You more, out of love for You, simply because You loved us first.