Clean your room

I had the sudden urge to clean my room today. I have a lot of stuff and my room is not big to begin with, so space is very limited. As I quickly glanced around to see what fills the space, it’s hard to decide what to keep and what to give away.

Do I keep the items with sentimental value? Out of politeness, you have to keep items that were gifted to you, right? Should I only keep the items I use, and donate everything else? Why am I attached to certain things…

With all of these questions running through my head, it got me thinking:

For what am I accumulating these things here on earth?

What does my room look like in Heaven?


This room I have is my heart and the unnecessary things inside my room are cluttering the space for God to dwell.

I guess God was telling me “Lara, you need to clean your room heart.”

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