A Good Shepherd

The Bible speaks many times of the good shepherd. Jesus proclaims “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep” (John 10:11)

Today’s gospel Luke 15:3-7 also speaks about the good shepherd. The gospel today made me really reflect:  So how do I stand as being a shepherd of the flock that the Lord has entrusted to me?

1. A Good Shepherd knows his flock by name -Do I really know my household members, do I even remember their birthdays and anniversaries. Do I know the challenges that they face so I could pray for them?

2. A Good Shepherd feeds his sheep – do I prepare well for a household meeting by studying diligently the teachings to be given, do I prepare the songs in advance after prayer and reflection. Do I really live out the teachings that I give?

3. A Good Shepherd loves his sheep – am I encouraging and affirming to my members instead of being critical? Do I pray for my members? Would I give some of my personal time to spend with them in fellowship? Do I still contact those in active members not just to invite them back to the community but to simply care for them?

Thank you Lord for reminding me of who You truly are, the Good Shepherd who loves His flock and would give His life for the sheep under Your care! May I truly continue to strive to walk in Your footsteps. Help me to really love the sheep that You have blessed me with!