Reflection (May 31, 2013)

In today’s Gospel reading (Luke 1:39-56).. we read of the pregnant Mother Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth (who was pregnant too)
The minute Elizabeth caught sight of her cousin approaching, she was filled with the Holy Spirit and the baby in her womb leaped for joy in recognition of the Lord approaching.

It’s amazing how the Lord drives the heart that is willing to follow.
even though the Lord was not yet born, Mary’s heart to follow the inclination of the Lord gave her the will to “make haste” to see her pregnant cousin.. despite her own pregnant state.

I don’t know if I’ll make sense here but when I read this passage I am in awe of how much Mary loves the Lord that she would even risk her own health to go on a days journey to fulfill the desire of the Lord.
Not only that.. we don’t hear of her being frantic, stressed or worried at all. She seemed composed, recollected, and sure of what the Lord desires.

and because of that the Lord grew and manifest within her, that even though He was not born yet.. His mere presence within Mary created an excitement to the people around including the child in Elizabeth’s womb.
