To Infinity and Beyond! (Saturday, June 15)

Sometimes, we are approached with connotations like “Things aren’t going the way I planned” or questions like, “Why is this happening?”, “Why does this hurt so much??”. We, as human being have all these confusing emotions and are faced with so many things we don’t understand, and blame these things as the reasons that hold us back. But in reality, the only thing holding us back is the fact that we’re not holding onto something that keeps us grounded.

The whole world is filled with things that are unstable. No matter how strong we think something is, the fact of life is that everything is always changing. The world changes as we change, and the only thing that remains is GodGod is constant. His love never changes. He is all that is infinite and He is all the love that we, as humans, continuously long for. If we are brought into this world, made of pieces of Him…made in His image, then our call, is to work with one another to see where we all fit; to be unified through His word, each being a little puzzle piece of Him in order to come together to complete the big picture: God. God is who we need FIRST to start completing our lives.

“apart from me you can do nothing.”
– John 15: 5

He is the base… the foundation in which all our actions, words, and thoughts derive from. “Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16: 14) If God is love, then everything in our lives must grow in Him.

So the next time we say “things aren’t going the way I planned”, or “I don’t know why this is happening”, or we just feel like everything is falling apart and you feel like you’re sinking into a pit of sadness or a dark hole and what not, let us ask ourselves: “Where have I put God in my life? Who is He to me?” Chances are, if He isn’t first, then nothing else is. Things will fall apart if it is not built on the foundation of love; if it is not built on One who is constant, never-changing, ever-loving, and forever eternal… God.

“I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.”
– John 15: 5

May He always live in us, and be praised.