Campus based EOYE #instahunt 2013

This past Wednesday Campus based had an “End of the year event” in celebration for the beginning of summer for post-secondary students! 😀

it was blessed event 🙂
we went to mass, had lunch at Korean grill (nomnomnom) then.. instahunted! hehe
(instahunt is a team-based scavenger hunt that will require each team to find places in Downtown Toronto, take a team/solo picture with it, then post them on instagram)
Check out the pictures here:

it was amazing to see about 26 youths come out to the event.. knowing that campus based did not exist at one point (Praise the Lord! woot!)
(side note: for those who don’t know.. Campus based in GTA is still in it’s rebuilding stage and is not fully established but with the Grace of God campus is slowly reforming again #PG)

it was awesome to see the campus youths celebrating and enjoying the day..
to see them step up as leaders.. as they led everyone to the different locations and sites
to see them watch out for each other especially when some of us got lost or got left behind haha    and many more to enumerate hehe                                                                                               these small acts of love, enthusiasm and fun is an affirmation that the Lord is working in small ways to build the future adults of society.

I thank the Lord for continually telling and reminding me: “Don’t worry anak, place the seeds I gave you and just leave the rest to me. I got chu!”

Lord in this journey you have blessed me with.. I offer and place my worries, fear, joy and the victories in Your hands. It’s all You and for You. Amen.

Campus based EOYE #instahunt 2013
Campus based EOYE #instahunt 2013


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