Flying Spaghetti Monster

For those of you who don’t know, there exists a parody religion called Pastafarianism, who’s members worship a Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM for short). Feel free to Google more information on this movement.

Here’s a picture of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He is quite obviously made of food.


Here’s a picture of Jesus. He is a man. He is not made of food.


As Catholics, we believe that Jesus is the bread of life which we consume every Sunday during mass.

My senses can sometimes mislead me. And so, even though it looks, smells and tastes like I’m eating a piece of bread every Sunday, my Catholic reality tells me that I am consuming the Lord.

This is a reality I wholeheartedly accept.

I am proud to be Catholic. And I am proud to love bread.

– Jesse R.

2 thoughts on “Flying Spaghetti Monster”

  1. Jesse, praise God for your conviction 🙂 And I gotta say… Catchy title 😉

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