With a Grateful Heart

Today, I started my first day of my first “adult” job.

As a new graduate, hearing the words ” We want you to join our team. You’re hired!” was quite the exciting experience. I constantly heard stories throughout my undergraduate career that finding a full-time job right after graduation was next to impossible. So, when I had my interview and received a call for employment the day after, I could not help but feel so overjoyed. I’ve been praying for an opportunity like this to open up and with God’s grace, He helped me to achieve this goal.

However, my first day was not at all what I expected –
Students were not listening, the toddlers were constantly crying, and I was doing work that I did not originally sign up for. My first day of work was definitely not the way I had planned and after my shift, I really questioned if this place was the right workplace for me.

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” – Psalm 9:1

Later that evening I felt restless. I was so happy when I got the job but after what I experienced, I felt really discouraged. Was this really where God wanted me to be? As I continued to reflect on the day, I remembered a dear friend’s wise words. They told me that whenever you feel sad or discouraged, count your blessings; there will always be one and more often then not, even more!
As I remembered those words, I tried my hardest to count the blessings in my life. To be honest doing this exercise was difficult at first because of how negative I was feeling but this quickly changed right after when I changed my mindset. I started to think about my family, my household, my friends, the state of my health, this job, and realized: Wow, there is so much to be grateful for.

Although my first day of work may not have been the smoothest of rides, I am still blessed because I have a job. I’m employed and that in itself is a blessing enough. God has granted me with this opportunity to grow in my career and so I must continue to strive to be the best that I can be at my work; even if that means having to do the dirty work, like changing diapers (pun intended).

And so, to whomever is reading this, whether you’re having a great day or a difficult one, have you stopped to count your blessings? Have you thanked God for all the good He’s placed in your life rather than complaining of what you don’t have? If not, try to take some time to do it right now. It might turn your day around.


Let us pray for the grace to see the brighter side of things and remember to have an attitude of gratitude always. God has blessed us with so much and so we too, must do our part and give the glory back to Him. Amen.