Beauty in Nature

Before I left for my trip to Calgary, I was told by a bunch of my peers to visit Lake Moraine and Lake Louise. Because of how popular of a recommendation these places were, I made sure to put both destinations on top of my bucket-list.

So when the day arrived and when we were only a few kilometres away, I could not help but feel so eager to get out of my seat so I could finally see what everyone was talking about. As my friends and I exited the car to walk, I squealed from excitement. When we reached the first lake, I stood in complete AWE, amazed what I was starring at.

The sun was just starting to peak through the mountains. The trees were tall and dark green, all perfectly lined in order and the water SO clear that the scenery bounced off the lake; creating the illusion of being a mirror. I believed my friends when they said the lakes were beautiful but I honestly never imagined that its beauty would make me want to cry!

As I looked around me, the Liveloud song Larger Than Life started playing in my head. It was at this moment where I was reminded of how thoughtful and detail-oriented God is. How good God is and how GRAND He must be for thinking of creating something like this! God could have made the earth look simple but instead He choose to take the time to create something so much more precious. I truly could not get over the fact that in seven days, minus the last day of rest of course, God made the masterpiece that is the world we live in today.

As someone who comes from a city-like, sky scrapper kind of environment, seeing nature in this way was a breathe of fresh air that I never thought I needed. I’ve surely taken nature for granted especially with the nature I’ve seen at home. I originally thought that Canada had little to offer in tourist spots but boy, was I ever wrong. Visiting these lakes definitely proved otherwise!

I am so thankful for being able to witness God’s handiwork at its finest and most especially, for being able to see His creation with some of the people I love the most – my household! It’s simple moments like these where one truly believes that God is real.

Praise God for simple joys!

Danielle Lape