Is this what it takes?

I’m kinda late doing this reflection cause I’m gonna talk about two Mondays ago gospel but I was shock on what God said to His disciples so I had to research and reflect hard. And I did, I think the reason why this gospel resonated in me because I’m a MV applicant preparing to be MV if God wills, being a missionary like the disciples. Once I truly understand this passage I found myself asking is this what it takes to be a missionary?

But first the reason why I was drawn into to this gospels(Matthew 10:34- 11:1 ) not because of how to be a disciple for Christ (which what I ended up understanding )but because of what I think harsh words that God told to his disciples. Just the first line by itself I was like “He didn’t say that?!!” “What!! He didn’t come to bring peace?!!!”. Those are my initial impressions, this line could be so misleading like I was at the beginning, but I’ve come to understanding that I think He indeed did not bring peace to the world in a sense(please correct me if I’m wrong) but gave us the opportunity to have peace again, giving us bridge to come back to Him and connects us with God which will lead to peace. When Jesus died for all of us and forgave everybody’s sins we continue to decide to sin and turn away against God. And that’s why I think God gave his disciples “swords” obviously not a physical one but to fight to have that peace, especially if you’re like the disciples of God or just follower of God for that matter, achieve and protect that peace that He has provided to us. Only us can decide if we are willing to fight.

The other lines that shook me the most was “(36)a person’s enemies will be the members of his household” and “(37) No one who prefers father or mother to me is worthy of me”. Those are the one of the few lines that made me in awe on how blunt and uncensored God was to the disciples. God is like listing what it takes to follow him. I’ve certainly attest to this even in my own small way with my own family on pursuing to be a missionary. How my parents are against of me pursuing this MV program. It’s hard to balance to respect your parents in those situation, when I feel God is leading me into this program. Having the question in my head Parents or God? Another scenario is with my brothers and sisters in my area, some of this brothers and sisters I have known for years and I’ve accepted them all of their qualities good and bad. As I grow in my faith I realize I can’t just let them be and accept whatever situation they are in we have to guide each other and empower each other to road to holiness. But it’s hard when you think having this “great friendship” is accepting for who they are and letting it be. Now a great friendship or Christ centred friendship is when you are accountable for one another, journey with one another . But it’s hard for me especially to call out your brothers and sisters if not in line with God because of the years of accepting. I think the reason why is hard for me maybe I’m scared of rejection or you don’t want to be “kill-joy” person, or you just don’t want to jeopardize that friendship. But I know now that if I really care for these brothers and sisters I need remind them or call them out even if it hurts.

I shared these stories because in my own small way I’ve experience hardships on following God or I mean just leaving out what I think God expects us to do, but when I think of being a missionary you will have to encounter more hardships just because will encounter more people with different scenarios. Thinking of that idea makes me feel kinda scared if I can handle it or will I be able handle the situation. These questions or this reflection from that matter probably stemmed from my probably insecurities but I know for a fact If we just push through He will definitely reward us, Jesus even said to his disciples” If anyone gives so much as a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is a disciple, then in truth I tell you, he will most certainly not go without his reward.”. That by itself should be enough for us to always get back up again and keep going in our journey with Him.

I’ll just end this Jesus has faced hardship and struggles we may never imagine and God push through even it hurts, even when people doubted Him, even when people ridiculed Him, even death. The least we can do is follow and be firm on what He tells us to do.

So, I just ask Lord to take care of us and to watch over us. That any hindrances or obstacles that will prevent us from doing your will Lord, will be taken away. And that you will give us strength to over come our challenges. I also ask the Holy Spirit to guide us, lead us especially when we have fallen away and can’t get back up again. And that we may trust God in whatever state that we are in, that we may be able to always see what God blessing us with our everyday lives.
