Thy will be done.

“I trust in the will of God and His plan for me.”

 How many times do we tell ourselves that, yet we hardly know Him in our lives? We stand there and live each day, trying to convince ourselves that we believe that we trust in the will of God, and we forget that it is not about convincing, but CONVICTION.

It’s been such a hard journey for me as an MV, and praise God, now as a CMV, and let me tell you, it never gets easy. More and more challenges appear and it becomes harder to not listen to my desires, and to truly hear out His instead. The misconception is that our desires are bad, and only His are good. So, sometimes, it’s easy for me to think that my good desires are from Him, and the bad ones are my own. What I have come to realize is that even the good desires can be my own. But how can we tell the difference?

It’s as simple as PRAYER and DISCERNMENT.

Yes, our desires may be bad.
Yes, our desires may also be good.
But the desires of the Lord are perfect and they are BEST.

When we pray, we should trust completely in the Lord and come to Him with an open heart. I must empty myself of ALL my desires so that I may hear His. I pray that He will fill me with nothing else, but His desires so that in the good and bad times of my life, I will continue to see Him.

Yes, even the bad. When things go wrong, it’s easy to lose sight of a lot of things. But if we take the time to know God in adoration, in prayer and in others, it will be easy to see the joy in hard times… to see God in difficult moments. I know that His desire for me is the best, and that is why even when I submit myself to Him, I must continue to pray and pray even harder so that I will not lose sight of the joy, love, hope, and happiness that He has placed in my life in everyone and in everything.

It is just as they say: “The closer you get to God, the harder the battle gets.” But because I know God, I am no longer in the state of convincing, but in the state of conviction… Conviction in knowing that everything, both good and bad, is a step closer to being with my Father and rejoicing Him in all those moments is a victory in His name. So yes, it does get harder, but through patience and grace attained in Him through prayer, it makes life much happier because I can see Him and feel Him even more in every moment. When all else changes, HE remains. His love is true. His love is real. His love is and always will be. And as we submit ourselves and our desires to Him more and more, this will become easier and easier to understand.

Our Father who art in Heaven
Hallowed by Thy name
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth
As it is in Heaven
Give us this day,
Our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil,
