
Confido is one of many ways to say “Trust” in Latin. It is a verb. It means to confide, believe, have confidence in, rely on, depend… Trust.

This whole year I feel the Lord calling me to trust Him. I have been very much trying and so far it led me to experiences beyond my imagination. From the quiet moments in silence to the grand journies around the world. In all instances I was able to encounter Christ in a personal way.

It has taught me so far to keep hope and continue to trust in God. But trust is something I realized we sometimes hyperfocus onto one aspect of our lives.

It is easy to say, I trust God that I will be financially okay because He blessed me with a job when I needed it the most. Then to build on that experience moving forward in times that may get financially tough. And although you completely trust God in that aspect, you might turn around and be like, “oh man I’m never gonna find someone to spend the rest of my life with – I’m going to be alone forever!” *insert crying emoji, heartbreak emoji*

That is not complete trust in God. At most it is only partial trust, but I would argue that’s not even trust. Let’s say you have a friend who you hang out with a lot and become close with. You have a special bond. However you go out in public and see this friend but don’t want to acknowledge them or have anything to do with them while in public. What kind of friendship is that?

It’s not a true friendship. In fact, if that were to happen to me I would question the friendship and probably cut it off. Our friendship shouldn’t be based on certain circumstances or restrictive rules.

Such is trust. You can’t only trust God between the hours of 9am-5pm. Nor should you trust God will grant you the ability to play the guitar but not the understanding and knowledge to pass an exam. When it comes to working out at a gym, getting better at a sport or talent, do you keep God in the equation? At the center of it all?

All those things require an active participation on your behalf. To get better at playing the guitar you need to practice. To pass an exam you need to study. The more you go to the gym, the more you practice a sport or talent the more results you get. It takes action. Trust is an action.

Complete trust is to confide in the Lord all your hopes, dreams, goals and woes. It is to believe that with the grace of God, ALL things are possible; whether it be passing a course you haven’t been doing well in all term or becoming the next Olympic gold medalist. Complete trust is to have confidence that even when you can not hear, feel or see God you know He is present and will never abandon you. It is having the humility to recognize that in life we will always need to rely and depend on God.

God isn’t only present in one aspect of your life. He knows you better than anyone else in the world. He knows you better than you know yourself. I am still learning to trust God with everything I have and with all that I am. But if it is one thing I know, is that, trust is NOT limiting God or putting Him into a box of what He can and cannot do.

Be patient. Be open. Confido.

In Christ,

Meagan Webb