Pentecost Prep

I am ablaze for You Lord! I wanna go out and spread Your Love.

We are meant for the Mission of Christ.

I’ve been having many funny moments with the Holy Spirit this week. I’ve itched many times to share my everyday God moments on Instagram: Ou… Look, a pretty picture of God’s Beauty! I’ve had two households that allowed me to silently contemplate His movement in the Word (Bible+ Lectio Divina= Win.) On the flip side, I also got majorly pitch-slapped with a strong reminder of where my conviction in my discernment for full-time work comes from, while attending my first March for Life (“Full-time for life!” – Kuya Gelo). All in all, as a friend would put it, experiencing so many “spiritual gainz”. And yet, all His stirs and messages are like the oddest collection of a Eurasian Magpie’s meal: Scattered and diverse… Ba-KAW!

“[The Holy Spirit brings] Unity in diversity”, reads a chapter on the Pentecost, in a good book I’m reading on the Liturgical Year. I believe that God, with every stir, is running my heart through Pentecost Prep: The Holy Spirit descends on us soon. Not saying It’s not currently here… My week of odd and strong stirs of Its presence in my week reveals otherwise! AND, technically, even before this Day, It’s been around, and moving things since Creation (Gen 2:2). However, this Day is significant because with the descent of the Holy Spirit, came a special outpour of grace that allowed for the Mission of Christ to continue and proliferate. A plethora of different languages united to into One (Babel in reverse). Apostles were changed. People were converted. The young Church EXPLODED and grew… Albeit, from Young and Zealous to now Old (“Outdated”, according to our secular society) and Dormant, in need of methods of New Evangelization. Yes… We need another Pentecost.

Much of my life right now is uncertain, and in some aspects, in confusion. But I am at peace with two certainties. 1) In my week, His messages have been diverse, but abundant. I am not in a state of “spiritual desolation”. Clearly, He is speaking to me and I must be even more attentive now. 2) In listening to the ebb and flow of the Spirit, I will continuously be subject to moments of uncertainty and confusion (Like Babel, but in my head). But as long as I choose to take on the Mission of Christ (to love) every day, It will always bring me where I am called to be.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle them with the fire of Your Love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the Earth.

Published by

Ellish Maigue-Talacca

Psalm 73:26. Hello! :) My name is Ellish (not Ellen) and I'm a Full-Time Pastoral Worker for CFC Couples for Christ Youth, originally from Montreal and stationed here in GTA. Feel free to reach me at