Mid-Year or Half Way Done?

Am I tired? So much has happened in just the last six months alone, but yet there is so much to do. So I ask myself, am I tired? I caught myself today thinking, there’s six months left… thank God. Quickly I re-evaluated what the heck I just said. Why did I say that? It’s crazy how sometimes I just say things that are I am thinking out loud but not really taking in what I am saying. With the business of everything, living in a area where everything is so fast paced. Where at times, we tend to be very impatient and where we want things done right away. It’s hard, and I don’t blame anyone for saying that, we are human. So is this month mid-way? Or is it, “half way through the year, finally”?

I was reflecting today that so much has happened but I can’t help but know there is so much more in store. Why? Simply because God loves. I once heard from a brother, “wherever God is, there is more”, meaning that there is so much more Love to spread around. So of course there is so much more in store, God’s love is endless. We are called to spread that Love throughout the world, not just within this community, but to all those that we encounter. So yes, the year is half way done and we are mid way through the year, but we are not even half done the mission. Yes I am tired, and there are many times I question why I am doing what I am doing and just wanting to give up. It is hard, but I know by the end of it all, when my mission is done, it will be worth the pain and sacrifices because I was able to bring God’s love with me wherever I went.

Lord, take away this tiredness. 


– Christian Medeiros