The Burden of Business, the Response of Love

Apr 14, Toronto

One of the struggles I’ve been find in my life recently is that I always need to be productive or I’m doing something wrong. As a CFC-Youth Leader, I have just gotten use to always being pushed to my limits in terms of my patience, and energy. Most of the time I feel like I need to be pushed, that I’m not allowed to rest, lest I be wasting my time. I can fall into a trap if that I’m not incredibly tired, that if I’m not staying up until midnight, and waking up 4:30, then I’m not giving enough of myself. I do all this with the assumption that I have to do all this, and that this is part of my service to the Lord, that I have to do this, that I’m not allowed to enjoy my life. Saying it allowed I’ve realized how ridiculous that sounds, when I first started serving the Lord it was because it was a response to the joys of being loved by Him, but I’ve wrapped myself so much in the seemingly need to do things, that I’ve forgotten this. That the not only is my service a response to love, but that it is love itself that the Lord ask me to serve Him. I look at my calendar, and see how full it becomes, but as I remember that the Lord has blessed my life I see this hours as gifts from God, that the hours are ways in which He wants me to see how He wants to love me.

Friends, remember that in all things at all times it is by the design of God that you experience love

“Surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” – JER 29:11