Being with God

Yesterday evening after office hours, I attended a Spiritus Via event, an Eastern Youth Ministry monthly assembly (1 Wednesday of every month, like clockwork) on the topic of identity. I was blessed to have gotten a ride from an SFC sister who worked by Jane & Steeles (really close to the CFC Office). While I was originally expecting to attend the event by myself, I ended up at Saint Lawrence the Martyr Parish for the event with Filo and her friend Angela.

One of the stories shared by the speaker, a Chaplain at a high school, was the hardship of bringing students to experience Adoration for the first time. As he was kneeling before Jesus and looking about the very empty Chapel, he began asking Jesus why the students weren’t there.  Before Jesus, he received his answer: “Go and get them.”

Inspired at the moment by the Holy Spirit, he rushed to his office to grab a box of rocks. Standing at the Chapel door, he gave a rock to each student that was passing by – regardless of if they were Catholic or not, wanting to take the rock or not. He directed and instructed them to bring this rock, to bring their burden to Jesus in the Chapel. And within two hours, the Chapel was filled with students.

What a powerful experience it is, that in being with Jesus, I can receive His instructions to bring Him to those that need Him (which is everyone, let’s be real).

In not so many words, the speaker’s message was the following: Regardless of what we do, our identity will always found in Christ, as sons and daughters of God. The point of departure before going out and doing something for God, is to be with God first.

Being with God gives direction to our what we our doing.
Being with God infuses our daily tasks with grace and passion.
Being with God re-focuses our posture to love our mission.

But more importantly, when we spend time with God, He reveals to us who we are now, who He wants us to become, and who we will always be to Him in our journey to holiness.

Who I am now – A YFC FTPW (yes, even if I’m 30). I am called to be like Christ, and so I can actively go bring Christ to others. This is the YFC vision.

Who He wants me to be – A missionary no matter where I am. I know that I am sent (again – being first) with a mission to proclaim the Gospel. Only by grace and through the Holy Spirit, can I do so in many creative ways, to many different people.

Who I will always be – A daughter of God. I know that I have Father that is always loving me no matter what I do.

All in all, God is with us. This will never change.


Published by

Ellish Maigue-Talacca

Psalm 73:26. Hello! :) My name is Ellish (not Ellen) and I'm a Full-Time Pastoral Worker for CFC Couples for Christ Youth, originally from Montreal and stationed here in GTA. Feel free to reach me at