You walked where I used to walk
Stood right where I used to stand
Saw what I used to see
And it reminded me
Of the dreams that I have
Dreams that one day
I’ll walk her where I used to walk
Stand with her where I used to stand
Together stare at the beauty
Of the places where I used to be
But I am here
You are there
And to be in the same place
At this very moment
Is not meant to be
Lord this is my heart
To You I offer it
All my dreams and hopes
I raise them all to You
All the hurts, regrets and uncertainties
I lay at the foot of Your cross
With faith, joy and gratitude
I will walk with You
Towards the eternal prize
I will set my eyes on
Where I am at right now
I will be my best
I will live in the moment
Grateful of what was
And hopeful of what is to be
Lord I want Your dream
To be my very own dream
One day I’ll walk again that lane
Seeing that dream a reality
Aldin Francis
The picture shows University of Santo Tomas in Manila where I spent 4 years of my life in College. The lane at the center is called the Lover’s Lane where I used to walk almost daily going home after class. It was where I dreamed dreams. I want to personally call it the Dreamer’s Lane.