
Twenty-nine different journeys in life crossing paths. Twenty-nine encounters with Christ.

Twenty-nine individuals from across North America. Twenty nine beautiful souls. Twenty-nine different journeys in life crossing paths. Twenty-nine encounters with Christ.

In the past, the Lord never failed to inspire me and refresh my heart through nature.   I’ve always sought Him in my travels through forests, beaches, mountains and even deserts. Needless to say, I was excited to experience God’s creation in a 3-day camping pseudo retreat. I looked forward to being out the city and spend time in the Rockies.

Truth be told, socializing on a 3-day camping trip was at the bottom of my expectations. Ambivert by nature, I predicted that I would ‘do my own thing’ and wander off to explore the ins and outs of Banff. Bears and all.

As always, the same lesson was repeated: Trust the Lord and let Him surprise you. Although I was able to fulfill my dreams of hiking in Banff, God had other plans to tug at my heart. It wasn’t through nature but each personal connection I made along the way.

Whether it was a shared laugh or out pouring of life’s desires, the Lord revealed Himself to me through others. Sometimes I get caught up the busyness of service and tasks that I forget to take the time just enjoy the moment and present company.

I will be forever grateful for this experience. Even reflecting three weeks later, the smiles, struggles, sweat, tears and even puns still tickle my heart. Although I expected to find Christ through a physical mountaintop experience, it was instead the joy of finding Christ in others.

*Special shoutouts to the Pre-TNCers if you’re reading this.